Wannier90 is a useful package to generating the maximally-localized Wannier functions (MLWFs), which can be used to compute advanced electronic properties. Some post-processing tools (such as WannierTools, etc.) will use MLWFs for further analysis and calculations.
Currently ABACUS provides an interface to Wannier90 package. The users are assumed to be familiar with the use of Wannier90. The ABACUS-Wannier90 interface is only suitable for nspin=1 or 2, not for nspin=4 or spin-orbit coupling (SOC).
To construct the MLWFs using the wave functions of ABACUS generally requires four steps. Here we use the diamond as an example which can be found in examples/interface_wannier90/.
Enter the
folder, prepare a Wannier90 input filediamond.win
, which is the main input file for Wannier90. Then To generatediamond.nnkp
file by running Wannier90, which ABACUS will read later:wannier90 -pp diamond.win
The content of
is as follows:num_wann = 4 num_iter = 20 wannier_plot=.true. wannier_plot_supercell = 3 wvfn_formatted = .true. begin atoms_frac C -0.12500 -0.1250 -0.125000 C 0.12500 0.1250 0.125000 end atoms_frac begin projections f=0.0,0.0,0.0:s f=0.0,0.0,0.5:s f=0.0,0.5,0.0:s f=0.5,0.0,0.0:s end projections begin unit_cell_cart -1.613990 0.000000 1.613990 0.000000 1.613990 1.613990 -1.613990 1.613990 0.000000 end unit_cell_cart mp_grid : 4 4 4 begin kpoints 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.2500 0.0000 0.0000 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 0.7500 0.0000 ... end kpoints
Do a self-consistent calculation and get the converged charge density:
cp INPUT-scf INPUT cp KPT-scf KPT mpirun -np 4 abacus
Do a non-self-consistent calculation:
cp INPUT-nscf INPUT cp KPT-nscf KPT mpirun -np 4 abacus
below are the INPUT file (nscf):
INPUT_PARAMETERS ntype 1 ecutwfc 50 nbands 4 calculation nscf scf_nmax 50 pw_diag_thr 1.0e-12 scf_thr 1.0e-15 init_chg file symmetry 0 towannier90 1 nnkpfile diamond.nnkp
There are seven interface-related parameters in the
, generate files for wannier90 code;0
, do not generate.nnkpfile : the name of the file generated by running “wannier90 -pp …”.
wannier_spin: If you use nspin=2,
: calculate the Wannier functions for the spin up components ;down
: calculate the Wannier functions spin down components.out_wannier_mmn: control whether to output the “*.mmn” file.
out_wannier_amn: control whether to output the “*.amn” file.
out_wannier_eig: control whether to output the “*.eig” file.
out_wannier_unk: control whether to output the “UNK.*” file.
out_wannier_wvfn_formatted: control what format of the Wannier function file to output,
: output the formatted text file;false
: output the binary file. Note that thewvfn_formatted
option in*.win
file (input file of Wannier90) has to be set accordingly with this option.
Note: You need to turn off the symmetry during the entire nscf calculation.
To setup the
file according to thediamond.win
file, which is similar to “begin kpoints …” in thediamond.win
file:K_POINTS 64 Direct 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0156250 0.0000 0.2500 0.0000 0.0156250 0.0000 0.5000 0.0000 0.0156250 0.0000 0.7500 0.0000 0.0156250 ...
After the nscf calculation, ABACUS will generate
files in theOUT.
folder which are input files needed by Wannier90 code.Copy
file towannier/
folder, to get the MLWFs by running Wannier90:wannier90 diamond.win
The ABACUS-wannier90 interface can be used in both PW and LCAO basis.
If you want to plot the Wannier function, you must set
wvfn_formatted = .true.
, otherwise Wannier90 code cannot read files generated by ABACUS because these files are not binary files. You also have to generate thediamond.amn
files for the plot. Otherwise, the two types of file are not necessary.